Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Unsullied Freedom

This can be considered a follow up of sorts to my last Game of Thrones post.

In my re-watch I'm early in season 3 now, they really are so brazenly telegraphing that Dany is ultimately a villain (but also already departing from the books in aspects of that).  But a lot of why that's so offensive to people is how much of the narrative had been about her Freeing Slaves and punishing Slave owners.

Here's the thing though, the claim that she Freed the Unsullied is absurd and we should never have bought it.

She says every one of them is free to go if they choose, and whether she meant that or not is irrelevant to the point I shall make.  Because where exactly would an Unsullied who choose to leave at that moment have to go?  With no family and no skills at anything other then being a mindless solider?

Because they aren't even normal Slaves, they are people mutilated and brainwashed from childhood to be functionally mindless drones.  It is absolutely an expression of Capitalist Liberalism to think simply legally declaring them Free is sufficient.  Truly freeing them required putting the work into building a new way of life for them, something Dany doesn't have the time to do while her real goal is building a army to conquer a continent that is foreign to her.

In a situation like what the Unsullied are presented as being, even allowing the option to continue being what they have been is functionally the same as not freeing them at all.  To a Neoliberal or Libertarian's simplistic understanding of "Freedom" that sounds like a contradiction in terms, but those of us on the True Left know it's the truth.

While the Unsullied are an over the top hyper specific Fantastical exaggeration, the basic lesson here can be compared to how real life Slavery Abolition has often been botched.  After the U.S. Civil War many of the newly freed slaves were trapped into situations like Sharecropping because they weren't provided for, they were "Freed" but left with nothing.  

Shockingly enough Tolkien understood this, at the end of LOTR when Aragorn Freed the Slaves in Mordor he also gave them that land, this fictional Medieval style Monarch did what Ulysses S Grant did not.

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