Friday, August 2, 2019

Steven Spielberg may be my favorite Film Director even though none of his films make my Top 10

I don't really have a definitive top 10, but I have a relatively strong top 4 and a pretty solid pool of potential top 10s and even my top Spielberg film I currently have trouble seeing as likely to make it.  Before I started getting super into Anime letting it dominate my favorites of everything, and watching other stuff I hadn't seen before, there was one Spielberg film that was in the running, Jurassic Park.

You might think "how can that even be possible?" but you see only Spielberg is consistently above average while also having a large output.  I haven't even seen all his films, but I've seen only one I can call bad, Temple of Doom, everything else would if it was on MAL get at least a high 8.

Now I'm not saying my top ten films are directed by people who balanced that out with a ton of crap.  I'm someone relatively easy to please so my "average" includes a level of praise other people might only give to a 8 or 9 out of 10.

Most theatrical Pokemon films have the same director, only one is in my top 4 but none of them are bad movies.  They're just mostly stuff I'd never recommend to someone not inherently into Pokemon.

All three of Christopher Nolan's Batman movies are among my all time favorite movies, one is still in that top 4 group, another had been a potential top 10 but has slipped down thanks to all the Anime.  But I have zero interest in his non Batman movies.

I've seen 6 Miyazaki films, one is in that top 4 and another is strongly in my top 9 of at least specifically Anime films.  But without the extraneous circumstances that made ToD Spielberg is not capable of making a film I find as dull as The Wind Rises.

Even when watching a Spielberg film in a genre or with a premise I don't care about I can still go "this is a an expert film maker".

If you think Hook is proof Spielberg can make a bad film, I sentence you to watch this Video Essay.

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