Saturday, June 24, 2023

Wedding Peach had an All Star writing staff

[Update December 8th: I'm now worried the entire premise of this past was based on misinformation.  Regarding Terada's perceived connection to Zelda]

I've already talked at length on this blog about the head writer Wedding Peach shared with the first 3 seasons of Sailor Moon and the 2 writers it shared with Pokémon from the same studio.

But what about it's 4th Writer who isn't part of either of those connections?  Well what's interesting about Kenji Terada is that he did some other Anime but he's most well known for his contributions to  Video Games.  

He wrote the stories for the first 3 Final Fantasy Games, and though his Wikipedia Page doesn't mention it he apparently wrote the Instruction Booklet Story for The Legend of Zelda, the original on the NES.  I just did a blog post where I drew attention to that original story, and yeah I can see how the author of that story would be a good fit for Mahou Shoujo.

Maybe this is exactly why Shigeru Miyamoto in interviews is never helpful for timeline clarification.  The Premise of Zelda was his vision but never the actual story.  Now as far as I know Terada was only involved in that one first Zelda game and so probably doesn't have any ideas on the timeline either.

But it's fascinating how this writer was a pretty big player in getting the Fantasy Genre started in Video Games, yet also winds up writing for this obscure forgotten Magical Girl Anime commonly unfairly dismissed as a Sailor Moon clone.

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