Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Fate/ Watch Order again

My past absolute advocacy of watching Fate/Zero first has bene diminished, but not for the reasons most people say you shouldn't watch it first.  It doesn't "Spoil" nearly as much as people make it sound like, and what it does Spoil is what everyone already knows anyway, the cat is out of the bag.

No as I already talked about once I've come to be concerned by what happen when an AntiTube Vidoe Essayist decides to "analyze" Fate/Zero on it's own with no regard for the fact that it's a Prequel.

But I'm not even making this post mainly for the Fate/Zero question.  

If you have been convinced or are trying to convince people to watch the Studio Deen TV Anime before any UFOTable stuff because it's the closest thing we have to a Fate/Route Anime, my advice is to at least watch Episode 0 and 1 of UFOtable's Unlimited Blade Works first.  Episode 0 takes place entirely before the point of divergence between the routes, and in episode one the divergence happens right at the end.  

At least get the more properly structured and fleshed out adaptation of how the VN begins.  Then you can start Deen/Stay Night with episode 3 which rewinds slightly to show you how the end of UBW episode 1 plays out differently in the Fate/Route.

Unlike a lot of people the reason I consider UFOtable's Anime the better adaptation of Fate/ is entirely how the Story and Plot is presented.  It's visual presentation and animation and music are all great, but maybe kind of over done.  From what I've seen of what early Type Moon Visual novels look like I kind of feel like the Deen Anime are actually more faithful to their vibes (same with the Tsukihime Anime that allegedly doesn't exist).

I even went ahead and recently watched Deen's movie version of Unlimited Blade Works, and if it were still the only version of that story we had I'd definitely critique how it needed to be fleshed out more.  But since I do have the full story I can appreciate it's different visual style for being what it is.

However the Witch of The Holy Night NV and the Tsukihime remake seem to imply Nasu himself wants his worlds to look like the UFO Table Animes now, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

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