Monday, September 16, 2019

Pretty Cure movies and the Miracle Lights

I've noticed that among the people actually talking about the Pretty Cure franchise on English Language YouTube there is an intense hatred of the Miracle Lights which play a role in most of the PreCure movies.  This really bugs me.

First I feel like noting how none of PreCure's western fan-base has ever actually got to see any of these movies in their initial theatrical release, so none of us have experienced what that sequence is actually supposed to be like.  And related to that is how really none of the Western Fan-base has ever been into PreCure while actually being in the intended target audience's age range.

James Rolfe has often lamented about how movies and movie theaters generally don't try to do anything interactive anymore like in the Rob Corman days.  This is the kind of thing he's talking about.

First and foremost the Miracle Lights sequences always reminds me of the audience clapping to bring Tinker Bell back to life in the original Stage Play of Peter Pan.  Movie incarnations of Pan always struggle with how explicitly they want to break the Fourth Wall for that scene, and I really want one to some day just Do It..

This is why I love the Miracle Lights sequence, and I envy those who actually get to see these movies in theaters twice a year.

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