Sunday, November 17, 2019

YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world.

I spent about half of this year following this show's Simuldub as it aired and didn't learn till it was over that it was based on a Visual Novel from 1996.

It seems like such a product of different trends of this Decade but it's actually something that predates every Anime it reminds me of, from the Time Loop adventures like Stiens;Gate and Higurashi to all the Haremy Isekai.

Apparently in Japan it was a big deal at the time.  But no one in the West cared about Visual Novels till a decade later so it didn't get localized, and then countless Visual Novels that were inspired by it directly or indirectly got TV Anime Adaptations first.  This was apparently the first Visual Novel with an ambitious story-line.

It did get a like 4 episode OVA in 1998, which will probably be as hard for me to find as Pretty Sammy was.  Hopefully FUNimation will decide to Dub those with this cast as like a Bonus for the Home Video release or something.

I think it's largely the visual style of Anime of this show that helps prevent people guessing how old it's source material is.   As an Anime it looks exactly as modern as the shows it aired against.

For all the ways it seems to fit in with modern trends it's also distinct.  Characters actually do have sex for example.

I saw so many people writing it off, but really this is perhaps the most important Anime of the year.

Update: I decided to document on Twitter my experience with the OVA.

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