Wednesday, July 1, 2020

My plea to Horror YouTubers to talk about more Horror Anime?

If you'r afraid "I don't understand Anime enough to have the proper context for this" good, that's exactly the perspective this conversation needs.

You see there is a Meme in the Anime Community that Horror is a genre Anime isn't good at.  And in my opinion the main reason for that is most discussion of these shows are from people who're more into Anime then they are Horror and so only have the most surface level assumptions about what the goal of Horror even is.  The only non Anime Horror they've seen is the most mainstream well known stuff, to make an analogy they'd understand, the Horror equivalent of the only Anime you've seen being what airs on Toonami and a couple Ghibli films.

I don't consider myself nearly a Horror fanatic, but I definitely feel like I've seen a lot more western horror then Mother's Basement or Gigguk or Digi-nee.  I've seen lots of Universal and Hammer stuff and the major Slasher franchises, but also the kinds of movies that show up in those 50 movies for 20 dollars box sets you used to be able to buy at K-Mart during Halloween season.  And I've read more pre-Dracula vampire stories then anyone else who's blog isn't explicitly a Vampire themed Blog.  And in the context of all that I think Anime does Horror just fine.

And the thing is I feel like other Genres don't have this problem in how their Anime installments are talked about nearly as much.  There are plenty of non-Horror YouTubers I wish would dip their toes into Anime more often, and I make recs I think will suit them in their comments sections.  But SFdebris has given a normie SciFi nerd's perspective on some SciFi and Fantasy Anime, the Anime heroes that most resemble American Comic Book Superheros have been talked about by Comic Book YouTubers, Death Note has been talked about by every normie who could possibly have something interesting to say about it, and we've had normie Feminists talk about Utena at least in print.

All of those are things I'd like to see more of, but they don't have the complete dearth that Horror Anime has.  The most interesting videos on Higurashi are from someone who mostly makes their name talking about PreCure.

Now most of the YouTubers I'm thinking of are mostly talking about Movies not more serialized formats.  So that might be a problem since none of the top Anime Horror I recommend are movies.  But the 80s Vampire Princess Miyu OVAs are about the same total length as a movie, so perhaps they're the best place to start.

So people like Dark Corners and In Praise of Shadows  the opposite of your perspective on Anime Horror we have more then enough of, your takes are now needed to balance things out.

So start with the Miyu OVAs, find out which Anime Horror movies are considered good or at least interesting, I have no recs there yet besides maybe that early 80s Frankenstein movie.  Then when you're ready to devote time to some TV Anime get on School Live and Higurashi.

I'm making this plea at the start of July hoping I can inspire someone to have something ready by this October.  Dark Corners now has a series specifically on stuff you can stream, a lot of Anime is streaming, apparently the Miyu OVAs are on Tubi now.

Episodes 1 and 2
Episodes 3 and 4
[Update: I was suprised to see Tubi has the Dub (and only the Dub from what I can tell) for this one, Tubi usually only has Subs from what I've tried to watch there before.
The OVAs have a pretty good Dub so it should be fine.]

Don't use only my recommendations though.  There is a lot I haven't even seen yet.

Update:  These Horror YouTuber have talked about serises of Horror Films though, and in that context maybe dividing Higurashi up between it's Arcs would work.

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