Friday, June 17, 2022

What movies I've seen recently.

The most recent movie I've watched is Morbius and it was good, I think the best live action theatrical Superhero movie since Endgame, it's refreshing to see one that isn't about the a plot to destroy the entire city or world or universe and also isn't a semi self parody.

The first almost 40 minutes were flawless, then when it became clear Milo was gonna be the villain I felt that could have been handled better.  Giving them the ability to Fly when they don't grow wings was stupid, and I didn't like the fridging at the end, but plenty of flaws comparable to those exist in great movies.

I think the hate this movie gets is mostly just the weird hate boner much of Internet fandom has developed for Jared Leto.  What flaws this movie did have were not on Leto at all, he was great.

I also re-watched The Batman, and I still think it's decent. I had commented before on it being the most like a Film Noir of any Batman movie so far, and it is.  But a pure Film Noir would have ended during the scene of Batman talking to Riddler in prison, a good Film Noir ending would have ended on Batman reacting to the revelation that he inspired the villain, and Riddler's hysterical reaction to learning his idol doesn't approve.  It even had already had a full feature length runtime.

The final act with the plot to drown the city is the typical Superhero movie BS, and I increasingly feel Batman is exactly the Superhero who doesn't need that.

I also finally watched Cloud Atlas, it was a great movie, but the best Wachowski film is still Speed Racer.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 was also great fun, I highly recommend it.

The Anime films I've watched I'm pretty sure I've already talked about on this blog.  Except maybe the latest Prisma Illy movie, that was pretty good, didn't disappoint, but I am getting annoyed at the cliffhangers and wondering when this Arc will finally end.

Incase I hadn't mentioned it anywhere, I also saw Redline and it was phenomenal.

I now own the Heaven's Feel movies on VUDU, I may give them a rewatch in the near future.

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