Sunday, September 11, 2022

Rings of Power thoughts so far

It's not what I would have written, but I'm enjoying it so far.

Mainly I would have avoided Numenor for all of season 1.

The main argument being repeated by everyone who's upset about Black Dwarves and Elves and probably I'm sure also a Black Queen of Numenor is the whole "Tolkien was writing a mythology for England" thing.  However there is another revealing quote from Tolkien.
When asked by an interviewer24  whether his Middle-earth was ”in a sense … the world we live in, but at a different era?”, Tolkien, puffing at his pipe, replied simply ”No… at a different stage of imagination, yes.” 
Meaning we're not supposed to care about the logic of how these civilizations eventually become Wales and Wessex.  Saying that everyone can only be White because "It's a mythology for England" ignores the fact that England today and even by the time Tolkien was writing was made up of more then just White people.

Tolkien did care about his world having internal logic, he did base on much of it on his love of studying languages and how they developed.  Which is why one difference if it was me writing this is there'd be even more PoC, I'd have entire groups of non White people but also in time have all the groups intermingle.  I've have these Souhtlanders who we know will eventually lose to their lands to Mordor and Nuemorian Colonizers be at least Brown.  

There actually is basis in what Tolkien wrote for younger Galadriel having been a warrior.

Tolkien is not a writer one can apply Auteur theory too, in the LOTR preface he basically laid out Death of The Author before any pretentious French philosophers coined it.  And in one letter he talks about intending his mythology to be expanded on by other hands.

And it is also a natural part of being mythology that there are conflicting versions and accounts and timelines.  So I don't care about any of those kinds of changes, if the Stranger is Gandalf it'll be weird but I'll accept it.  I would actually consider it more of a betrayal of the Spirit of Tolkien if he turns out to be Evil after how he's been set up.  But that could just be my particular bias as one who likes comparing Tolkien to Sailor Moon.

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