Sunday, March 26, 2023

Early 2000s Anime revival project

So one of my mission statements for 2023 was to play a role in sparking the overdue 20 Nostalgia cycle revival for early 2000s Anime.  An agenda I started talking about in late 2022.

And I have indeed spent a good deal of the first three months of the year rewatching, finishing or watching for the first time various early 2000s shows, Noir, Madlax, El Cazador De La Brujha, Witch Hunter Robin, Burst Angel, Pretear and even the dreaded Elfen Lied.  

But I've unfortunately limited most of my talking about those shows as I watched them to my Mastadon account,   When I joined Mastadon it felt like it had a lot momentum behind it to potentially become a real competitor to Twitter, but it seems like that hype has died down.    However it's format still feels better to me to express thoughts that are too long for a Tweet but also not fleshed out enough to be worthy of a Blog post yet.

Each of those I listed I enjoyed, but I can't exactly recommend them all equally or in the same way.

Noir is the only one that's a true 10/10 Masterpiece, even it may not appeal to everyone but I feel you'd have to be pretty biased against it to not at least respect it.

Madlax, El Cazador and Burst Angel are great shows to recommend for when you just want to remember how wild Anime of this era could be in a way you don't see anymore.  They are each in my view undeniably Fun if you aren't a critic with a chip on your shoulder constantly trying to outthink them.

Witch Hunter Robin is as I've said before a very atypical Anime on many levels, if you're into the idea of a show with a standard Police Procedural format but with Supernatural elements then this is the Anime I'd recommend.

Pretear is I feel another essential overlooked piece in the puzzle that is the history of the Magical Girl Genre.  My last post about it on this blog focused on some criticism I had but I still love it and feel everyone presenting themselves as an expert on or superfan of this genre who hasn't seen it yet needs to remedy that ASAP.

Elfen Lied is something I may need to devote an entire post to in the future.

These obviously aren't the only Anime I've been watching.  I've been keeping up with currently airing Anime and watched some other modern shows, and after becoming a fan of Tubi watching on it both the Trigger film Hells and the movie Napping Princess.

And of course I've spent a lot of my spare time watching and rewatching scattered Detective Conan episodes from all over it's run.  Of course that actually overlaps with the Early 2000s project.  And I've decided to adjust my initial statement on exactly what parts of Detective Conan count as Early 2000s in context of my willing to be a bit creative in counting stuff as early 2000s when they're chronological really late 90s stuff that's looking forward or mid to late 00s stuff that feel like throwbacks.

I'm going to informally declare that in terms of episodes of the main series Early 00s Detective Conan/Case Closed begins right after what Fnumiation dubbed stops (Funimation did dub further with their movies) as well as right after what you can watch on Filmrise and Cruncyhroll's "season 1".  Those first 123 episodes are true 90s Detective Conan.  Episode 124 through most of the 300s are early 2000s Detective Conan as well as movies 3-9 the first half of the numbered OVAs and the Time Travel of the Silver Sky TV special which was a sorta recap episode to promote both the 8th movie and episode 356.

Unfortunately none of that era of Detective Conan is legally streaming anywhere which makes it hard to properly recommend.

I do intend to continue this mission, and in the future note it on this blog more.  There is plenty more out there to explore, and I want to give rewatches to some of the early 00s show I'd discovered last year that inspired me to do this in the first place, principally Rumbling Hearts and Comic Party, specifically I want to rewatch them soon after giving a proper rewatch to To Heart.

I have my DVDs of To Heart and Comic Party currently sitting next to my Nanoha DVDs, Nanoha's first two seasons are another good example of Mid 00s technically but feeling like they have some of the early 00s spirit still.

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