Is the name of a Winter 2021 Fantasy Anime I haven’t watched. I recall trying to but didn’t finish even the first episode.
However I can’t stop thinking about the title. The implication of that title is that ‘Starter Town” is functionally synonymous with being a bustling Urban Metropolis and what I recall of the first episode confirms that.
So it confuses me because these LN based Fantasy Anime are operating on a very Meta level, the title implies that because its audience would expect it to be the norm.
But my general experience with the Fantasy Genre is the opposite, the Hero’s Journey usually starts in the Boonies, from The Hobbit and LOTR starting in The Shire to Luke Skywalker growing up on a farm far from the big city on an outer rim planet to Pokémon starting in Pallet Town (which in the Games and Anime seems smaller then it’s real world inspiration) to even Zelda usually starting Link off in some obscure settlement like Kokori Forest, Outset Island or Ordon Village.
But only one of those fits all the requirements for counting as a JRPG and even it is an edge case.
In Japan the by far most popular JRPG franchise is Dragon Quest with Dragon Quest III specifically being the main blueprint for what most of these Japanese Gamers would think of as a standard RPG formula. And indeed that adventure does start in the Castle Town where the King lives.
Even the original Final Fantasy also has the first city you visit be the Royal Capital of a Kingdom. And VII starts in Midgar.
In the Mairo RPGs Mario’s house seems not to be in any town but located very close to Toad Town where Peach’s Castle is located. The Thousand Year Door starts in Rogueport, a Mos Eisley style port city.
I also notice in Anime about playing MMORPGs you usually spawn in what seems like an Urban Center so that meeting up with other players can be done conveniently.
And I think that is why RPGs so often depart from the Tolkien set precedent. RPGs are a kind of game where the Multiplayer form is the original and the Single Player form came later. The Quest needs to start in a place where players from diverse backgrounds can believably happen to meet up and form a party.
The association of the Last Dungeon with the Boonies I still don't get though.
Update December 22nd 2024: Well I have watched it now.
It doesn't really confirm or deny the thesis I originally made this post for.
The central Meta Gamer Logic Joke is that this MC comes form a late game area and so is overpowered in this early game area without realizing it because in these "boonies" the the most common monsters are stronger then early game bosses.
In a typical RPG you will reach the point where even the lowest Mooks you do battle with technically now have higher states then you Bosses fought early on. For example in Super Mario RPG the Gu Goombas of Bowser's Keep are stronger then the Hammer Bros. of Mushroom Way. But because the player has leveled up along the way they feel just as easy to one hit KO as regular Goombas.
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