Sunday, July 7, 2019

Looking back at the Summer 1994 season

A YouTuber is already looking back at exactly 30 years ago, doing only 20 years puts us already at the end of the 90s.  So I deiced to take a brief casual look at what Anime was airing 25 years ago, a quarter of a century and a third of the average life expectancy.

Not many TV Anime debuted during this season, the most notable is Metal Fighter Miku which looks interesting, it has a Dub but MAL is unaware who was cast in it.
In the near future, the sports world is dominated by Neo Wrestling, a new spectacle in which Metal Fighters challenge each other to be named champion. The story follows the girls of the Pretty Four; Miku, Ginko, Sayaka, and Nana, as they face off against the current champions, Team Sapphire. With a burnt out drunk named Eiichi Suo for a coach the girls must not only contend with problems in the arena but also unforeseen circumstances that arise in day to day life. Only through protecting their friends, understanding their enemies, and eventually challenging their idol Aquamarine, can Miku and the girls understand Eiichi's purpose and the shady secrets behind Neo Wrestling.
What's interesting is how this was an original Anime, not an Adaptation of anything or a sequel or a reboot of an OVA series, yet it's pre Eva, Digibro's "Evangleion changed Anime eternally" premise is weakened even further.  This is definitely an Otaku oriented original TV Anime.

Clearly most of what people were watching on TV were continuing shows.  Sailor Moon S had started in the Spring (technically late Winter) meanwhile DBZ and YuYuHakusho were still going strong.  The Gundam franchise was being represented by G Fighter and I think Marmalade Boy was the show airing it what would become the PreCure time-slot.

But what's really odd is how according to MAL one of the biggest shows airing at this time was some random sports Anime called Slam Dunk, it has more members then Sailor Moon S and has the highest score of any show on TV at this time.

In OVA land August was when the first Macross Plus episode came out and September was the start of the second season of Tenchi Muyo.  Meanwhile LOTGH was still running.  And for movies there was the Ghost Sweeper Mikami movie.

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