Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Palpatine did NOT know Darth Plagueis secret

Everyone remembers that iconic scene in Revenge of The Sith where Palpatine tells the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise.  However there is a later scene people keep forgetting.

After Anakin formally turns and is christened Darth Vader Plapatine admits that only one ever learned the secret to cheating death.  In other words he LIED when he said the Apprentice of Plagueis was taught everything.

I have always liked this nuance of ROTS.  When in 2012 I started getting into Paul Feval and BlackCoatPress and reading material on CoolFrenchComics about Joseph Balsamo as written by Alexandre Dumas I noticed how Balsamo killed his mentor Althotas before ever learning the secret of his Alchemical Elixir of immortality.  And that made me like ROTS even more, another very old mythical concept echoed in Star Wars.

Because of this there was never any doubt in my mind that it was Plagueis who caused the conception of Anakin.  The idea that it was Sidious who did it never even crossed my mind.

And I always wanted to maintain the theory that the existence of this ablity was a lie to begin with, something Plagueis said he could do but really couldn't.  Maybe he somehow knew about Anakins' conception on Tatooine and simply claimed credit for it.  Thus maintaining that only the Light Side can truly lead to immortality.

However fan theories have a long history of ignoring this. Like the theory that Padme really died because Palpatine was sucking the life force out of her.

Then Disney came along, and one of their Comics literally confirmed that it was Sidious who caused the conception of Anakin.  And now Rise of Skywalker is entirely predicated on that whole force life sucking idea.

So no, I'm not gonna be okay with RoS simply because it ticked off TLJ's fans.  Even the way it goes about saving Kylo is lame and meaningless to me.

The thing is I don't have to acknowledge the new movies.  I can still pretend in my Headcaon that they lived Happily Ever After at the end of ROTJ so there is no reason for me to carry on a grudge.

Update January 2020: Apparently that scene from that comic was misinterpreted, they never intended to confirm or deny anything about Vader's conception.  And if you pay attention Shmi is already pregnant when the scene starts.

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