Friday, May 1, 2020

The Worst kind of Star Wars fan

I have come to have a uniquely nuanced and complicated perspective on the Sequel Trilogy.  So in the future when you see me expressing my frustrations with them, please remember that I see value in all of it and really want to find the community where you can just like and enjoy all eleven films with no infighting.

However I feel the need to say more definitively what I've kind of already said a few times.  But if you fit into the category I'm talking about please know that I don't hold anyone's opinions on overblown Space Wizard movies against them.

The kind of Star Wars fan that most frustrates me are those who heap endless praise on The Last Jedi but then hate The Rise of Skywalker.

If you like all three sequels films or hate all three then I can understand that consistency.  Because they are in fact exactly the same in overall quality and in how they echo their OT counterparts.

The notion that it's the Abrams movies that were "the original movie but bigger", while Johnson's movie said something deep and introspective about the franchise, itself perfectly echoes how TESB is constantly compared to the other OT films, it was allegedly the only one that's quality Cinema while the others were just fun popcorn films.  And frankly I find that take on Empire to be BS.

TLJ is also TESB but Bigger, including it's "Theme" of "Failure".  In lot of ways it's just Episode V played in reverse.

I really don't want to go into opinions I've already expressed before.  If you're going to skim my past posts about Star Wars be aware that the vitriol I ounce felt for TLJ has subsided over the course of 2020.

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