Thursday, October 7, 2021

I've still seen more Anime from 2017 then any other single year

43 entries I've watched to Completion on MAL.  It's not by a super significant margin since second place is 37 and a few are about 33.  But it's interesting.

Again 2017 is the year I started truly following Anime seasonally, in 2016 I had only started becoming vaguely aware what was airing in the later half.  So before that a lot of the flash in the pan shows I'm less likely to have even heard of.  

And even the 2017 shows I didn't watch at the time but watched later I was aware of at the time and my memory of the discussion around them was a factor in my eventually watching them.  Except for ChaoS;Child, for some reason I didn't hear about that at the time even though it's related to a huge franchise so that's weird, also that one show technically takes up 3 of my MAL entries due to the movie and episode 0.

So that explains why I've seen more of 2017 then any prior year, but I've stayed following seasonal Anime, and gotten better about being aware of even the more obscure stuff as I've increased my connections.  2020 had less stuff then usual, but still 2018 and 2019 generally had more stuff, at least of the Genres that most interest me.

Maybe it's the sentimental factor of it being my first year.  I oddly became nostalgic for it as soon as it was over.  And there are still shows I haven't watched or finished yet that I want to, I even keep considering returning to some of the shows I dropped.  With the years since some shows I waited to binge, but most of what I passed on at first I still haven't given a second thought to.

Perhaps it's a good time to revisit my rankings as they have changed.  In Another World With my Smartphone still has a special place in my heart, but I'm no longer willing to call it the best of the year simply for my special relationship with it.  I really do think the best show of 2017 is probably Fate/Apocrypha, it was on my mind a lot at the time and it holds up when I return to it.

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