Saturday, December 31, 2016

Overall 2016 was a good year for me

It had it's bumps, and I sympathize with those who feel like this was the worst year ever.  We lost many people.  But if Trump is the disaster of a President many have good reason to fear he will be, that will make next year horrible, and many more to come.  So I'm going to end this year remembering it fondly.

If you look at my other 4 BlogSpot/Blogger blogs, you'll see that my views and ideology have shifted somewhat over the last year.  Much of it is changes the seeds for which had been planted earlier.  But the learning I did this year was vitally formative.  And I said much on those blogs I feel is very important.

On this blog also I wrote some of the most ambitious posts I've placed on it.  Most recently the Star Wars and Fascism one.  But also The French History of The Femme Fatale, The Mysteries of Gotham, The Night is Darkest Just Before The Dawn, the post about liking longer movies, the "Show Don't Tell" post, and plenty more.  However these have mostly failed to become the most viewed posts, perhaps I've been lazier about promoting them.

The majority of what I've done on my YouTube channel was posted this year.  At the bottom of this post I may put a few of my really recent ones.  And I created many Memes.

And for my fictional writing career, I shared what I wrote last year, and wrote it's sequel.

I was endlessly entertained by this Election, as much of a sad commentary as it was.  To a large extent following it has contributed to the above mentioned refining of my beliefs.  Of course there were points where it made me feel a little down, but I had plenty to pick me back up.

I have mixed feeling towards Batman V Superman, and the Animated stuff we got from DC.  But I loved Suicide Squad, and with a few reservations enjoyed what DC gave me on TV.  Ghostbusters was acceptable.  PLL was still great though my long honey moon phase with it is over.  The MCU films we got were not as fun for me as the first two phases but probably better then what we got in 2015.  And to top it all off we had Rogue One.

But the main thing I have to say about entertainment media this year, is that I've decided for the near future, with a few notable exceptions, I pretty much only care about what comes out of Japan.  Mainly Anime, and Video Games, but I started trying to read Manga for the first time ever, and watched the Live Action adaptations of Death Note.

Probably 75-90% of the total Anime I have seen I've seen for the first time in the last three years, it was some point in 2014 when I saw Madoka and Sailor Moon was revived and I decided to start regularly keeping up with Anime, sorta.  And this year I was indulging in it even more then I did the prior two years.

Only a small portion of that is Anime that came out this year.  High School Fleet, SMC season 3, Flip Flapper, Izetta, and some shows I started but didn't finish yet.  Three of those four examples mark the first time I ever followed new Anime as they originally aired, I've usually done this by Binge Watching.  Oh and movie wise the 3rd Rebuild film which took awhile to get Dubbed.

It's actually hard for me to imagine the fact that it was less then a year ago I first watched Lucky Star.  Because it has quickly become a pretty important part of how I define myself as an Anime Nerd.  But because of some online documentation, I know I hadn't watched it yet when the year started.  And that strange as it may seem I first watched Haruhi after I'd seen Lucky Star, likewise with K-On.

My second watching of Lucky Star, or at least second time watching it all the way through.  Was on Election Day actually, so I was amused by returning to Konata's election coverage interrupting her Anime comment.  Thanksgiving was the day I watched Dubbed Nanoha, both seasons, and I will always remember that fondly.

I don't think I could name all the anime I first discovered this year, and I may regret later some of what I'm considering it a priority to mention here.  But if you go over my blog, a good deal of what I mention was often stuff I only recently saw.  Particularly my comments on the Fate/ franchise and that High School of The Dead post, which were quite fresh in my minds when I felt compelled to comment on them.

Also the Dub of YuriKuma, and I think after that Penguindrum.  And Wixoss.

There a few I stupidly can't remember exactly when, Yuru Yuri was late 2015 at the soonest, I know it was strongly on my mind in April of this year, and I did some revisiting of it in the last couple weeks.

But a good deal of my Anime viewing this year was revisiting some of what I already loved.  Like Noir which I made a post on, and then after that watching it Subbed for the first time.  Also Engaged to The Unidentified, which in 2014 was the first Comedy/Slice of Life Anime I ever watched, I revisited it partly on my Birthday if I recall correctly.

Also just this last month has seen a huge increase in my PreCure knowledge.  Including a handful of the films, none of which I'd seen before.

I've also gotten into the wider Anime Fandom more.  Following Digibro, and other YouTubers, and being endlessly amused by Two Fat Guys Talk.  I should also shout out to Vrai and JosieNextDoor.

So I had a lot of fun this year.  But I intend to make next year even better if Trump doesn't kill us all.  Between New Anime that will come out next year, Anime I've deliberately kept on hold like SAO which I have low expectations for, PLL going out with a Bang, Wonder Woman and Justice League reforging the Superhero film genre, Star Wars Episode VIII, I may check out Kong.  And I forget if next year is the Jurassic World sequel or is that 2018?

So let's keep looking up.

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