Saturday, January 18, 2020

Still not watching any actual 2020 Anime yet.

But I need to vent about how episode 11 of Kabukichou Sherlock aka Case File nº221: Kabukicho betrayed me.

I was liking the show, recommending it as on par with Elementary, the BBC Shelrock and the RDJr Sherlock Holmes movies.  I was thinking of writing something specifically on Episode 10.  This episode I was enjoying even as I guessed who Jack actually was, finding that trope on it's own annoying but tolerable, then they began revealing why.

If you're familiar with when I used to talk about Pretty Little Liars, well this is that all over again, the sin that forever tainted PLL's legacy was repeated here.  I was naive enough to think that Anime would never do this, at least not since the 90s ended.

I was recommending this show on my twitter, where I have followers who are Trans and Non-Binary.  They might have watched this show because of me and got to this episode weeks before I did because they aren't Dub Scrubs like I am.  And that makes me feel guilty.

Shows that are first and foremost mystery shows generally aren't my thing, the last 3 seasons of Anime have had an inordinate amount of them and this was the only one I watched because I have a thing for modern stuff directly drawing on Victorian through WWI era pulp.  And PLL was the only murder mystery of the American 20tens I was highly invested in.  So why am I cursed like this?  Why are the few mystery shows I get into the ones actively trying to hurt the Trans Community that I want to help?

I'm not sure I'm going to drop it yet, I feel like at least watching episode 12 and finishing it's first cour.  It's advantage over PLL is that arguably this villain isn't the only Trans representation.  But the show is unclear on what Hudson's actual gender identity is, and either way largely treats them as a joke.  So I am certainly done recommending the show, unless I report back that it somehow redeemed itself don't watch it.

Fortunately I don't have only Bad News to report.  I completed Assassin's Pride and am giving it an 8 for now.  If you're interested in a show that at first looks like a modern Light Novel Anime but is really a covert throwback to 90s Shoujo then this is for you.

Episode 10 of Fate/Grand Order: Babylonia was hilarious.  And the Isekai shows I'm still following are also holding up.

And tonight will also be the Toonami/Adult Swim debut of Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld.  I intend to update this post once I've seen and have an opinion on it.

Update.  I saw it and it was a pretty good start.  My main issue with Alicization part one was how it ended.  So we'll see how things go.


  1. I could've sworn you were watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These s2 since the dub for that is almost done, but I didn't see you mention it.

    1. I was planning to watch that at one time but have decided to put it off.
