Wednesday, January 10, 2018

I'm not going to watch Devilman Crybaby

I respect that it seems to be mostly satisfying it's target audience.  And that Netflix is helping fund new Anime projects.  But it's not the kind of show that appeals to me.

It's existence I would probably not comment on at all if it wasn't for Netflix involvement guaranteeing it'll be part of the face of Anime in 2018.  Because It embodies one of the boxes most people put Anime into based on what got localized in the 90s.

As much as certain people within the community complain about "Cute Girls doing Cute Things", outsiders still seem to mostly not even know that kind of Anime exists, or if they have seen it around they still have no idea it's become the dominant trend.

The thing that annoys me about how often people still put Anime into such limited boxes, is that Anime refers to all Animation from Japan.  And the truth is Japanese Animation has MORE variety then American Animation.  It's American Animation that mostly fits into only three (sometimes overlapping) categories.

1. Stuff for Kids, or maybe "the whole family" which kind of means the same thing to some people.

2. Adult comedies, from Simpsons to South Park to Adult Swim stuff.

3. Super Hero Comics.

Anime has equivalents to all of those, with arguably more variety within them.  And then plenty of stuff that can't fit into any of those.  From trippy art-house Anime, to Historical Fiction, to adaptations of classical literature, to teen dramas, to stuff that's kinda like Sit-Coms, to full on Porn.

So in addition to stuff like Devilman, I want to also see Netflix help fund more Anime that is reflective of what modern Anime is like and show that Anime is more then just Edgy violence.

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