Monday, April 30, 2018

Are modern Elves really that based on Tolkien's?

It's commonly said that Tolkien's Elves are the inspiration for most Elves in fantasy stories written since, in novels like the Dragonlance series, or Dungeons and Dragons and other Table Role Playing Games, which leads to Role Playing Video Games including JRPGs which in turn influences a lot of Anime, Manga, and Light Novels that then get adapted into Anime.

The thing is, these supposedly Tolkien like Elves seem to me to be.... demoted in terms of their importance to the Lore.  They're now just another one of many Human like Fantasy Races, not Humanity's other half.  They're Elves but they're not The Eldar.  Tolkien's Elves are meant to be kinda similar to what Humans might have been like if Adam hadn't fallen.  While in a lot of Anime they're basically just Cute Girls with pointy ears.

I suppose to some extent it's full circle, they're back to being more like the Ljósálfar of Norse Mythology.  Tolkien's Elves are largely a product of combining them with certain beliefs about the Fae/Tuatha De Dannan of Irish Mythology.  And some older Judeo-Christian conceptions of a hypothetical Pre-Adamic race (before compromising with Evolution turned hypothetical Pre-Adamic races into Cave Men and Ape Men).

I think the most interesting take on Elves in Anime would be No Game No Life, where I'm convinced they're an unflattering allegory for The United States.  The reason I relate to Nilvalen so much is because she's an Elf who hates her own country.  But as interesting as that is, it's not very Tolkien like.

Who I do feel are similar to Tolkien's Elves are some fantasy races not called Elves.  The Cetra in Final Fantasy VII.  How the Amazons were presented in the Wonder Woman and Justice League films of 2017.  There are others I think, but they escape my memory at the moment. 

What's Problematic is how Tolkien's Elves can come off as similar to the Aryans of the racist theosophical ideas that inspired Hitler and Himmler.  But that's why I'd like to see Fantasy races with a similar mystical gravitas be depicted with more ethnic variety.  You can already find a decent amount of Fan Art depicting some of Tolkien's characters as being less white then he probably envisioned.

Fortunately we're unsure what human ethnicity the Cetra would most resemble, we only ever see Aerith, who's only half Cetra, and briefly her mother in a flashback.  Westerners are inclined to see a Caucasian when we look at Aerith but the original Japanese audience might not have (Westerners have accused Anime characters of looking White when they were modeled after specific Japanese celebrities).

I've contemplated in any fantasy story I might write depicting the Ljósálfar as white looking but the Dökkálfar as Japanese looking and the Svartálfar as Nubian (or maybe swap the latter two).

Now Biblically I don't believe in any Pre-Adamic Race, I oppose the Gap Theory.  I've contemplated having the hypothetical Elves of any fictional mythology I'd create descend from Cain in order to deconstruct the assumption that descendants of Cain were inherently Evil.  The problem is it'd also be playing into the rhetoric of certain Racists to associate any descendants of Cain with Non-White especially African ethnic features.

I know for certain that if I ever made any fiction set in the Pre-Flood world I'd depict the tribes of Enosh Ben Seth (from whom came Enoch and Noah's Family) as looking Middle Eastern.

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