Friday, December 4, 2020

Frau Bow from Robotics;Notes

 I want to make a post on why I think the character of Kona Furugoori is unique and interesting.

There are generally two types of female Otaku who pop up in Anime.  There are the ones based on Japanese culture's actual stereotypes about Fugoshi or women that are into the Anime and Visual Novels at women.  And then more commonly there are the ones that are basically a stereotypical male Otaku inhabiting a Cute Girl's body usually with the idea of treating that as a humorous absurdity.

In Lucky Star for example the former is represented by Hiyori Tamura while the latter is represented firstly by Konata but also every other Otaku who shows up in the Anime at least with Patty specifically being the Weeb.

Frau in Robotics;Notes however seems to be a genuine mixing of these traits in a way you don't see very often.  She's into Yaoi/BL but also into devoting herself to a 2D Waifu.  

She also falls in love with the male MC and is actually the first girl to get anywhere with him which was enlightening in how surprising it felt, in fiction female Nerds actually have less luck at love then male Nerds which is the opposite of how most people think the real world works.

She also has her own plotlines related to being a Game Designer and trying to find out what happened to her mother.

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